Seite 113 - Testimonies for the Church Volume 4 (1881)

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Chapter 11—A Divided Interest
Dear Brethren M,
In the vision given me last January I was shown some things
in reference to you both. I was shown that you are not growing in
spirituality as it is your duty and privilege to grow. The greatness of
the work and the opening providences of God should stir your hearts.
Christ designed that His believing children should be the light of the
world, the salt of the earth. The holy life, the Christian example, of one
good man in a community sheds a light that is reflected upon others.
How great, then, would be the influence of a company of believers all
walking in the commandments of God.
The preaching of the word is ordained of God to arouse and convict
sinners. And when the living preacher exemplifies in his own life the
self-denial and sacrifices of Christ, when his conversation and acts
are in harmony with the divine Pattern, then his influence will be a
powerful one upon those who listen to his voice. But all cannot be
teachers of the word in the pulpit. The duties of different persons
vary, and there is work for all to do. All can aid the cause by giving
unselfishly of their means to help the various branches of the work,
by furnishing means for the publication of tracts and periodicals to
scatter among the people and disseminate the truth. Those who give
money to promote the cause are bearing a part of the burden of the
work; they are colaborers with Christ; for God has furnished men with
means on trust, to be used for holy and wise purposes. They are the
instrumentalities which Heaven has ordained for doing good, and men
are to put these talents out to the exchangers.
Dear brethren, ever bear in mind that you are the stewards of God,
and that He holds you accountable for the temporal talents He has
lent you to use wisely for His glory. Will you not closely search your
hearts and investigate the motives which prompt you to action? I was
shown that your danger is in loving your possessions. Your ears are
not quick to hear the Master’s call in the person of His saints and in
the wants of His cause. You do not invest your treasure gladly in the