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Chapter 31—Uprightness in Deal
Brother G,
In my last vision your case was shown me. I saw that you love
the truth which you profess, but you are not sanctified through it.
Your affections have been divided between the service of God and of
mammon. This division of affection stands as a barrier in the way of
your being a missionary for God. While professedly serving the cause
of God, self-interest has marred your work and greatly injured your
influence. God could not work with you, because your heart was not
right with Him.
So far as words go, you have been deeply interested in the truth;
but when it comes to showing your faith by works, there has been a
great lack. You have not correctly represented our faith. You have
injured the cause of God by your manifest love of gain; and your love
to trade and bicker has not been for your good, nor for the spiritual
health of those with whom you are brought in contact. You are a sharp
man in trade, and you often overreach. You have peculiar tact for
looking out for the best end of the bargain, watching for your own
good rather than that of others. If a man would cheat himself, and
you were to be advantaged thereby, you have let him do it. This is not
following the golden rule, doing unto others as you would wish them
to do by you.
While engaged in the missionary work, you have at the same time
manifested your scheming propensities in buying and selling. This
makes a poor combination. You should be one thing or the other. “If
the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him.” “Choose
you this day whom ye will serve.” God will not accept your labors in
the tract and missionary work while you are scheming to advantage
yourself. You are in danger of counting gain as godliness. The tempter
will present flattering inducements before you to fascinate you and
allure you on to indulge a spirit of scheming which will kill your