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Testimonies for the Church Volume 6
or woman should be connected with our schools as an educator who
has not had an experience in obeying the word of the Lord.
Principal and teachers need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
The earnest prayer of contrite souls will be lodged by the throne, and
God will answer these prayers in His own time if we cling to His arm
by faith. Let self be merged in Christ, and Christ in God, and there
will be such a display of His power as will melt and subdue hearts.
Christ taught in a way altogether different from ordinary methods, and
we are to be laborers together with Him.
Teaching means much more than many suppose. It requires great
skill to make the truth understood. For this reason every teacher should
strive to have an increased knowledge of spiritual truth, but he cannot
gain this knowledge while divorcing himself from the word of God.
If he would have his powers and capabilities daily improved he must
study; he must eat and digest the word, and work in Christ’s lines.
The soul that is nourished by the bread of life will have every faculty
vitalized by the Spirit of God. This is the meat which endureth unto
everlasting life.
Teachers who will learn from the Great Teacher will realize the help
of God as did Daniel and his fellows. They need to climb heavenward
instead of remaining on the plain. Christian experience should be
combined with all true education. “Ye also, as lively stones, are built
up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 2:5
. Teachers and students
should study this representation and see if they are of that class who,
through the abundant grace given, are obtaining the experience that
every child of God must have before he can enter the higher grade. In
all their instruction teachers should impart light from the throne of God;
for education is a work the effect of which will be seen throughout the
ceaseless ages of eternity.
Teachers should lead students to think, and clearly to understand
the truth for themselves. It is not enough for the teacher to explain
or for the student to believe; inquiry must be awakened, and the stu-
dent must be drawn out to state the truth in his own language, thus
making it evident that he sees its force and makes the application. By
painstaking effort the vital truths should thus be impressed upon the
mind. This may be a slow process; but it is of more value than rushing
over important subjects without due consideration. God expects His