Page 191 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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Some Of The Christian Teacher’s Needs
Many do not appreciate this knowledge, but in obtaining an
education they seek for that which will be regarded by their fellow
men as wonderful knowledge. Teachers, let your boasting be in
God, not in science, not in foreign languages or in anything else
that is merely human. Let it be your highest ambition to practice
Christianity in your lives.
“Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: His
going forth is prepared as the morning.”
Hosea 6:3
. As the light of
the sun shines with increasing power from morning till noonday, so,
as you advance in the opening light of God’s word, you will receive
more light.
Those who accept the responsibility that rests upon all teachers
should be constantly advancing. They should not be content to dwell
on the lowlands of Christian experience, but should be ever climbing
higher. With the word of the Lord in their hands, and the love of
souls pointing them to constant diligence, they should advance step
by step in efficiency.
The Teacher’s Need of Prayer
Every teacher should daily receive instruction from Christ and
should labor constantly under His guidance. It is impossible for
him rightly to understand or to perform his work unless he is much
with God in prayer. Only by divine aid, combined with earnest,
self-denying effort, can he hope to do his work wisely and well.
Unless the teacher realizes the need of prayer and humbles his
heart before God, he will lose the very essence of education. He
should know how to pray and what language to use in prayer. “I am
the vine,” Jesus said, “ye are the branches: he that abideth in Me,
and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye
can do nothing.”
John 15:5
. The teacher should let the fruit of faith
be manifest in his prayers. He should learn how to come to the Lord
and plead with Him until he receives the assurance that his petitions
are heard.