Page 336 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
the very essence of success in life; but if all would give due consid-
eration to the statement of Christ, “Without Me ye can do nothing”
John 15:5
), they would make different plans. Without the vital
principles of true religion, without the knowledge of how to serve
and glorify the Redeemer, education is more harmful than beneficial.
When education in human lines is pushed to such an extent that the
love of God wanes in the heart, that prayer is neglected, and that
there is a failure to cultivate the spiritual attributes, it is wholly disas-
trous. It would be far better to cease seeking to obtain an education,
and to recover your soul from its languishing condition, than to gain
the best of educations and lose sight of eternal advantages....
I would not in any case counsel restriction of the education to
which God has set no limit. Our education does not end with the
advantages that this world can give. Through all eternity the chosen
of God will be learners. But I would advise restriction in following
those methods of education which imperil the soul and defeat the
purpose for which time and money are spent. Education is a grand
lifework; but to obtain true education it is necessary to possess that
wisdom which comes from God alone. The Lord God should be
represented in every phase of education; but it is a mistake to devote
years to the study of one line of book knowledge. After a period of
time has been devoted to study, let no one advise students to enter
immediately upon another extended line of study, but rather advise
them to enter upon the work for which they have been preparing. Let
them be encouraged to put into use the education already obtained....
The minds of many need to be renewed, transformed, and molded
after God’s plan. Many are ruining themselves physically, mentally,
and morally by overdevotion to study. They are defrauding them-
selves for time and for eternity through practicing habits of intem-
perance in seeking to gain an education. They are losing their desire
to learn in the school of Christ lessons of meekness and lowliness of
In View of Christ’s Near Return
The thought to be kept before students is that time is short and
that they must make speedy preparation for doing the work that is
essential for this time.... I am bidden to say to you that you know not