Page 38 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
Lord Jesus Christ, he will realize his own imperfections, he will feel
his real ignorance, and he will seek constantly to preserve and put to
the stretch his powers of mind, that he may become an intelligent
Christian. Students who are imbued with the Spirit of Christ will
grasp knowledge with all their faculties. Without this experience,
education is disrobed of its true brightness and glory.
The entrance of God’s word is the application of divine truth to
the heart, purifying and refining the soul through the agency of the
Holy Spirit. The faculties devoted unreservedly to God, under the
guidance of the divine Spirit, develop steadily and harmoniously.
Devotion and piety establish so close a relation between Jesus and
His disciples that the Christian becomes like Him. Through the
power of God, his weak, vacillating character becomes changed to
one of strength and steadfastness. He becomes a person of sound
principle, clear perception, and reliable, well-balanced judgment.
Having a connection with God, the source of light and understand-
ing, his views, unbiased by his own preconceived opinions, become
broader, his discernment more penetrative and farseeing. The knowl-
edge of God, the understanding of His revealed will, as far as human
minds can grasp it, will, when received into the character, make
efficient men.
* * * * *
Knowledge is power, but it is a power for good only when united
with true piety. It must be vitalized by the Spirit of God in order
to serve the noblest purposes. The closer our connection with God,
the more fully can we comprehend the value of true science; for
the attributes of God, as seen in His created works, can be best
appreciated by him who has a knowledge of the Creator of all things,
the Author of all truth. Such can make the highest use of knowledge;
for when brought under the full control of the Spirit of God, their
talents are rendered useful to the fullest extent.
For Further Study
The Essential Knowledge
Christ’s Object Lessons, 106-114