Page 393 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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Spiritual Growth
To every student who is seeking a medical education I would
say, Look beyond the present. Turn away from the transitory things
of this life, from selfish pursuits and gratifications. For what purpose
are you seeking an education? Is it not that you may relieve suffering
humanity? As the mind is enlarged by true knowledge, the heart is
warmed by a sense of the goodness, compassion, and love of God.
The soul is filled with an earnest longing to tell others how they
may co-operate with the great Master Worker. You will do much for
yourselves as you impart the knowledge you receive. Thus you will
gain more knowledge to impart, and your ability to work for God
will increase.
There are those who will suggest to you that in order to be
successful in your profession you must be a policy man; you
at times depart from strict rectitude. These temptations find a ready
welcome in the heart of man; but I speak that which I know. Do not
be deceived or deluded. Do not pamper self. Do not throw open
a door through which the enemy may enter to take possession of
the soul. There is danger in the first and slightest departure from
the strictest rectitude. Be true to yourself. Preserve your God-given
dignity in the fear of God. There is great need that every medical
worker get hold and keep hold of the arm of Infinite Power.
The policy principle is one that will assuredly lead into difficul-
ties. He who regards the favor of men as more desirable than the
favor of God will fall under the temptation to sacrifice principle for
worldly gain or recognition. Thus fidelity to God is constantly being
sacrificed. Truth, God’s truth, must be cherished in the soul and held
in the strength of heaven, or the power of Satan will wrest it from
you. Never entertain the thought that an honest, truthful physician
cannot succeed. Such a sentiment dishonors the God of truth and
righteousness. He
succeed; for he has God and heaven on his
side. Let every bribe to dissimulate be sternly refused. Hold fast