Page 68 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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The Right Education
It is the nicest work ever assumed by men and women to deal
with youthful minds. The greatest care should be taken in the educa-
tion of youth, to vary the manner of instruction so as to call forth the
high and noble powers of the mind. Parents and schoolteachers are
certainly disqualified to educate children properly if they have not
first learned the lessons of self-control, patience, forbearance, gen-
tleness, and love. What an important position for parents, guardians,
and teachers! There are very few who realize the most essential
wants of the mind, and how to direct the developing intellect, the
growing thoughts and feelings of youth....
Individuality in Children
The education of children, at home or at school, should not be
like the training of dumb animals; for children have an intelligent
will, which should be directed to control all their powers. Dumb
animals need to be trained; for they have not reason and intellect. But
the human mind must be taught self-control. It must be educated to
rule the human being, while animals are controlled by a master and
are trained to be submissive to him. The master is mind, judgment,
and will for his beast.
A child may be so trained as to have, like the beast, no will
of his own. Even his individuality may be merged in the one who
superintends his training; his will, to all intents and purposes, is
subject to the will of the teacher. Children who are thus educated
will ever be deficient in moral energy and individual responsibility.
They have not been taught to move from reason and principle; their
wills have been controlled by another, and the mind has not been
called out, that it might expand and strengthen by exercise. They
have not been directed and disciplined with respect to their peculiar
constitutions and capabilities of mind, to put forth their strongest
powers when required.