Page 84 - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students (1913)

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Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
The True Test of Prosperity
If you lower the standard in order to secure popularity and an
increase of numbers, and then make this increase a cause of rejoicing,
you show great blindness. If numbers were an evidence of success,
Satan might claim the pre-eminence; for, in this world, his followers
are largely in the majority. It is the degree of moral power pervading
the college, that is a test of its prosperity. It is the virtue, intelligence,
and piety of the people composing our churches, not their numbers,
that should be a source of joy and thankfulness.
Without the influence of divine grace, education will prove no
real advantage; the learner becomes proud, vain, and bigoted. But
that education which is received under the ennobling, refining in-
fluence of the Great Teacher will elevate man in the scale of moral
value with God. It will enable him to subdue pride and passion,
and to walk humbly before God, as dependent upon Him for every
capability, every opportunity, and every privilege.
I speak to the workers in our college: You must not only profess
to be Christians, but you must exemplify the character of Christ. Let
the wisdom from above pervade all your instruction. In a world of
moral darkness and corruption let it be seen that the spirit by which
you are moved to action is from above, not from beneath. While you
rely wholly upon your own strength and wisdom, your best efforts
will accomplish little. If you are prompted by love to God, His law
being your foundation, your work will be enduring. While the hay,
wood, and stubble are consumed, your work will stand the test.
The youth placed under your care you must meet again around
the great white throne. If you permit your uncultivated manners
or uncontrolled tempers to bear sway, and thus fail to influence
these youth for their eternal good, you must, at that day, meet the
grave consequences of your work. By a knowledge of the divine
law and obedience to its precepts, men may become the sons of
God. By a violation of that law, they become servants of Satan.
On the one hand, they may rise to any height of moral excellence;
or on the other hand, they may descend to any depth of iniquity
and degradation. The workers in our college should manifest a zeal
and earnestness proportionate to the value of the prize at stake—the