Seite 74 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Christian Leadership
forward in disciplining others, and thus all discipline has been brought
into contempt. Passion, prejudice, and partiality, I am sorry to say,
have had abundant room for exhibition, and proper discipline has been
strangely neglected. If those who deal with the erring had hearts full
of the milk of human kindness, what a different spirit would prevail
in our churches. May the Lord open the eyes and soften the hearts of
those who have a harsh, unforgiving, unrelenting spirit toward those
whom they think in error. Such men dishonor their office and dishonor
God. They grieve the hearts of his children, and compel them to cry
unto God in their distress. The Lord will surely hear their cry, and will
judge for these things.—
The Review and Herald, May 14, 1895
Control Self First—Those who control others should first learn
to control themselves. Unless they learn this lesson, they can not be
Christlike in their work. They are to abide in Christ, speaking as He
would speak, acting as He would act,—with unfailing tenderness and
The Review and Herald, April 28, 1903