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Christian Service
eternal interest. If he would put forth as much energy to secure the
heavenly treasure and the life which measures with the life of God
as he does to secure worldly gain, what could he not accomplish?—
Testimonies for the Church 6:297
God will move upon men in humble positions to declare the mes-
sage of present truth. Many such will be seen hastening hither and
thither, constrained by the Spirit of God to give the light to those in
darkness. The truth is as a fire in their bones, filling them with a
burning desire to enlighten those who sit in darkness. Many, even
among the uneducated, will proclaim the word of the Lord. Children
will be impelled by the Holy Spirit to go forth to declare the message
of heaven. The Spirit will be poured out upon those who yield to His
promptings. Casting off man’s binding rules and cautious movements,
they will join the army of the Lord.—
Testimonies for the Church 7:26,
The Christian Life in Landscape
The heart that receives the word of God is not as a pool that evap-
orates, not like a broken cistern that loses its treasure. It is like the
mountain stream, fed by unfailing springs, whose cool, sparkling
waters leap from rock to rock, refreshing the weary, the thirsty, the
heavy-laden. It is like a river constantly flowing, and as it advances,
becoming deeper and wider, until its life-giving waters are spread over
all the earth. The stream that goes singing on its way, leaves behind
its gift of verdure and fruitfulness. The grass on its banks is a fresher
green, the trees have a richer verdure, the flowers are more abundant.
When the earth lies bare and brown under the summer’s scorching
heat, a line of verdure marks the river’s course.
So it is with the true child of God. The religion of Christ reveals
itself as a vitalizing, pervading principle, a living, working, spiritual
energy. When the heart is opened to the heavenly influence of truth
and love, these principles will flow forth again like streams in the
desert, causing fruitfulness to appear where now are barrenness and
Prophets and Kings, 233, 234