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Christian Service
in learning how to make it yield them a livelihood. The need for such
help and instruction is not confined to the cities. Even in the country,
with all its possibilities for a better life, multitudes of the poor are in
great need. Whole communities are devoid of education in industrial
and sanitary lines. Families live in hovels, with scant furniture and
clothing, without tools, without books, destitute of both comforts and
conveniences, and of means of culture. Imbruted souls, bodies weak
and ill-formed, reveal the results of evil heredity and of wrong habits.
These people must be educated from the very foundation. They have
led shiftless, idle, corrupt lives, and they need to be trained to correct
The Ministry of Healing, 192
Attention should be given to the establishment of various industries
so that poor families can find employment. Carpenters, blacksmiths,
and indeed every one who understands some line of useful labor,
should feel a responsibility to teach and help the ignorant and the
The Ministry of Healing, 194
Christian farmers can do real missionary work in helping the poor
to find homes on the land, and in teaching them how to till the soil
and make it productive. Teach them how to use the implements of
agriculture, how to cultivate various crops, how to plant and care for
The Ministry of Healing, 193
In ministry to the poor there is a wide field of service for women as
well as for men. The efficient cook, the housekeeper, the seamstress,
the nurse,—the help of all is needed. Let the members of poor house-
holds be taught how to cook, how to make and mend their own clothing,
how to nurse the sick, how to care properly for the home. Let boys
and girls be thoroughly taught some useful trade or occupation.—
Ministry of Healing, 194
Invite to Gospel Meetings
There are many things that persons may do if they only have a mind
to work. There are many who will not go to church to hear the truth
preached. By personal efforts in simplicity and wisdom these might be
persuaded to turn their feet to the house of God. Conviction may fasten
upon their minds the first time they hear a discourse upon present truth.
Should your solicitations be refused, do not be discouraged. Persevere