Seite 139 - Christian Service (1925)

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Medical Missionary Work
This work, properly conducted, will save many a poor sinner who
has been neglected by the churches. Many not of our faith are longing
for the very help that Christians are in duty bound to give. If God’s
people would show a genuine interest in their neighbors, many would
be reached by the special truths for this time. Nothing will or ever
can give character to the work like helping the people just where they
are. Thousands might today be rejoicing in the message, if those
who claim to love God and keep His commandments would work as
Christ worked. When the medical missionary work thus wins men
and women to a saving knowledge of Christ and His truth, money and
earnest labor may safely be invested in it; for it is a work that will
Testimonies for the Church 6:280
Let our people show that they have a living interest in medical
missionary work. Let them prepare themselves for usefulness by
studying the books that have been written for our instruction in these
lines. These books deserve much more attention and appreciation than
they have received. Much that is for the benefit of all to understand has
been written for the special purpose of instruction in the principles of
health. Those who study and practice these principles will be greatly
blessed, both physically and spiritually. An understanding of the
philosophy of health will be a safeguard against many of the evils that
are continually increasing,—
Testimonies for the Church 7:63
I have been instructed that the medical missionary work will dis-
cover, in the very depths of degradation, men who, though they have
given themselves up to intemperate, dissolute habits, will respond to
the right kind of labor. But they need to be recognized and encouraged.
Firm, patient, earnest effort will be required in order to lift them up.
They cannot restore themselves. They may hear Christ’s call, but their
ears are too dull to take in its meaning; their eyes are too blind to see
anything good in store for them. They are dead in trespasses and sins.
Yet even these are not to be excluded from the gospel feast. They are
to receive the invitation, “Come.” Though they may feel unworthy,
the Lord says, “Compel them to come in.” Listen to no excuse. By
love and kindness lay right hold of them,—
Testimonies for the Church
6:279, 280
Those who take up this line of work [circulating publications] are
to go prepared to do medical missionary work. The sick and suffering