Seite 183 - Daughters of God (1998)

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Marriage, Home, Family
mother. Melville neglected religion just as Reuben does. [But he]
did not oppose [it] when he was dying. His last breath was agonizing
prayer. So, also, May neglected to give her heart to God till her very
last dying days.
Now this is worse to me than the dreaded disease of consumption.
But I could not consent to have there be an attachment between you
and Reuben. It is just and right that you should open your mind freely
to me on this subject of courtship and marriage, for this concerns your
happiness more than any other event of your life, and you need counsel
and advice here more than on any other point. I hope to hear from you
Letter 95, 1886
Families on Earth to Be Symbols of Family in Heaven—If the
hearts were kept tender in our families, if there were a noble, generous
deference to each other’s tastes and opinions, if the wife were seeking
opportunities to express her love by actions in her courtesies to her
husband, and the husband manifesting the same consideration and
kindly regard for the wife, the children would partake of the same
spirit. The influence would pervade the household, and what a tide of
misery would be saved in families! Men would not go from home to
find happiness; and women would not pine for love, and lose courage
and self-respect, and become lifelong invalids. Only one life lease
is granted us, and with care, painstaking, and self-control it can be
made endurable, pleasant, and even happy.—
This Day With God, 335
Kindness Makes Home Pleasant Indeed—By speaking kindly
to their children, and praising them when they try to do right, parents
may encourage their efforts, make them very happy, and throw around
the family circle a charm which will chase away every dark shadow,
and bring cheerful sunlight in. Mutual kindness and forbearance will
make home a paradise, and attract holy angels into the family circle;
but they will flee from a house where there are unpleasant words,
fretfulness, and strife. Unkindness, complaining, and anger shut Jesus
from the dwelling.—
The Signs of the Times, April 17, 1884