Seite 355 - Evangelism (1946)

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Sounding the Message in Europe
The Whole Earth to Be Illuminated—At this time there should
be representatives of present truth in every city, and in the remote parts
of the earth. The whole earth is to be illuminated with the glory of
God’s truth. The light is to shine to all lands and all peoples. And it is
from those who have received the light that it is to shine forth....
Certain countries have advantages that mark them as centers of
education and influence. In the English-speaking nations and the
Protestant nations of Europe it is comparatively easy to find access to
the people, and there are many advantages for establishing institutions
and carrying forward our work....America has many institutions to
give character to the work. Similar facilities should be furnished for
England, Australia, Germany, and Scandinavia, and other continental
countries as the work advances. In these countries the Lord has able
workmen, laborers of experience. These can lead out in the establish-
ment of institutions, the training of workers, and the carrying forward
of the work in its different lines. God designs that they shall be fur-
nished with means and facilities. The institutions established would
give character to the work in other countries, and would give opportu-
nity for the training of workers for the darker heathen nations. In this
way the efficiency of our experienced workers would be multiplied a
It pains me to think that greater facilities are not provided for the
work throughout Europe. I have sore heartache as I think of the work
in Switzerland, Germany, Norway, and Sweden. Where there are one
or two men struggling to carry forward the different branches of the
cause, there should be hundreds at work.—
Testimonies for the Church
Great Work in Europe—There is a great work to be done in
Europe. All heaven takes an interest not only in lands that are nigh and
that need our help, but in lands that are afar off. All the inhabitants of
heaven are in active service, ministering to a fallen world. They take a