Seite 38 - Evangelism (1946)

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No less than seven men should be chosen to carry the large re-
sponsibilities of the work of God in the great cities. And these men
should humble themselves daily and seek the Lord most earnestly
for sanctified wisdom. They should relate themselves to God as men
desirous to be taught. They must be men of prayer, who realize the
peril of their own souls. What should be the work of these seven men?
They should investigate the needs of the cities and put forth earnest,
decided efforts to advance the work.—
Letter 58, 1910
To See the Needs as God Sees Them—The Lord desires us to
proclaim the third angel’s message with power in these cities.... As
we work with all the strength that God grants us, and in humility of
heart, putting our entire trust in Him, our labors will not be without
fruit. Our determined efforts to bring souls to a knowledge of the truth
for this time will be seconded by holy angels, and many souls will be
saved. The Lord never forsakes His faithful messengers. He sends
to their aid heavenly agencies and accompanies their labors with the
power of His Holy Spirit to convince and to convert. All heaven will
endorse your appeals.
O that we might see the needs of these great cities as God sees
them! We must plan to place in these cities capable men who can
present the third angel’s message in a manner so forceful that it will
strike home to the heart. Men who can do this, we cannot afford to
gather into one place, to do a work that others might do.—
53, 1909