Seite 463 - Evangelism (1946)

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Simplicity of Method
Christ Has Shown How to Help Humanity—Read the record of
how the Saviour fed the multitude with five loaves and two fishes....
This merciful provision for temporal need helped to fasten in the minds
of the people the gracious words of truth which He had spoken....
In this miracle Christ has shown how medical missionary work
is to be bound up with the ministry of the Word. His disciples are to
take the bread of life and the water of salvation, and give it to those
who are longing for spiritual help. And as there is need, they are to
feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Thus they do double service
for the Master. The beauty and utility of the work we do for God
consists in its symmetry and harmony and in its all-round adaptability
and efficiency.—
Manuscript 5, 1901
Come Close to Suffering Humanity—Christ has left us an ex-
ample, that we should follow in His steps. He always drew near to
the most needy, the most hopeless, and, attracted by His sympathy,
they came close to Him. He assures every suffering, needy, sinful soul
that he will never want for a great Physician to give him spiritual help.
We stand too far away from suffering humanity. Let us draw nearer to
Christ, that our souls may be filled with His grace, and with a desire
to give this grace to others.—
Letter 17, 1903
In Practical Lines—We are to remember that the work of reach-
ing souls cannot be confined to any one method. Gospel medical
missionary work is to be carried forward, not in the precision of one
man’s lines, but in Christ’s lines. All that is done is to bear the impress
of the Holy Spirit. We are to work as Christ worked, in the same
practical lines. Then we shall be safe.
The divine commission needs no reform. Christ’s way of present-
ing truth cannot be improved upon. The worker who tries to bring in
methods that will attract the worldly minded, supposing that this will
remove the objections that they feel to taking up the cross, lessens his
influence. Preserve the simplicity of godliness.—
Letter 123, 1903