Seite 473 - Evangelism (1946)

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Institutional Evangelism
Established to Promote the Gospel Message—To preach the
gospel means much more than many realize. It is a broad, far-reaching
work. Our sanitariums have been presented to me as most efficient
mediums for the promotion of the gospel message.—
Manuscript 5,
To Bring Health to the Soul—Some will be attracted by one
phase of the gospel, and some by another. We are instructed by our
Lord to work in such a way that all classes will be reached. The
message must go to the whole world. Our sanitariums are to help
to make up the number of God’s people. We are not to establish a
few mammoth institutions; for thus it would be impossible to give
the patients the messages that will bring health to the soul. Small
sanitariums are to be established in many places.—
Medical Ministry,
To Make the Gospel Attractive—Those who are connected with
our sanitariums are to be educators. By pleasant words and kindly
deeds they are to make the gospel attractive. As followers of Christ,
they should seek to make the most favorable impression of the religion
they profess, and to inspire noble thoughts. Some will be affected by
their influence for time and for eternity.
In the work of helping others, we may gain most precious victories.
We should devote ourselves with untiring zeal, with earnest fidelity,
with self-denial, and with patience, to the work of helping those who
need to develop. Kind, encouraging words will do wonders. There
are many who, if a constant, cheerful effort is put forth in their behalf,
without faultfinding or chiding, will show themselves susceptible of
improvement. The less we criticize others, the greater will be our
influence over them for good. To many, frequent, positive admonitions
will do more harm than good. Let Christlike kindness be enjoined
upon all.—
Medical Ministry, 208, 209
The Great Objective—The conversion of souls is the one great
object to be sought for in our medical institutions. It is for this that