Seite 54 - Evangelism (1946)

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Patterning After the Master Evangelist
Study Christ’s Methods—If ever it has been essential that we un-
derstand and follow right methods of teaching and follow the example
of Christ, it is now.—
Letter 322, 1908
How He Met the People—If you would approach the people ac-
ceptably, humble your hearts before God, and learn His ways. We shall
gain much instruction for our work from a study of Christ’s methods
of labor and His manner of meeting the people. In the gospel story we
have the record of how He worked for all classes, and of how as He
labored in cities and towns, thousands were drawn to His side to hear
His teaching. The words of the Master were clear and distinct, and
were spoken in sympathy and tenderness. They carried with them the
assurance that here was truth. It was the simplicity and earnestness
with which Christ labored and spoke that drew so many to Him.
The great Teacher laid plans for His work. Study these plans. We
find Him traveling from place to place, followed by crowds of eager
listeners. When He could, He would lead them away from the crowded
cities, to the quiet of the country. Here he would pray with them, and
talk to them of eternal truths.—
The Review and Herald, January 18,
In the Synagogues—By the Seaside—Christ “went about all
Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of
the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness.” He preached in the
synagogues because thus He could reach the many who gathered there.
Then He went out and taught by the seaside and in the great thorough-
fares of travel. The precious truths that He had to proclaim were not
to be confined to synagogues....
Christ might have occupied the highest place among the highest
teachers of the Jewish nation. But He chose rather to take the gospel
to the poor. He went from place to place, that those in the highways
and byways might catch the words of the gospel of truth. He labored
in the way in which He desires His workers to labor today. By the sea,
on the mountainside, in the streets of the city, His voice was heard