Seite 574 - Evangelism (1946)

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occupied their time, and did not help the present work, but hindered
it. The people were robbed of the clear, convincing exposition of
Scripture, and the devotional part of the work was neglected....
Now the reason: Out of the desk they employed much of their time
in writing, excusing themselves from visiting because they were so
busy and so tired. As the result they were brain weary when they came
into the desk; they were not prepared to do a work that God could set
His seal upon. They made nothing clear. Yet if they worked themselves
up to a high pitch of excitement they thought their discourses were
powerful. They touched here and there, bringing a large mass of matter
which they regarded as convincing and overwhelming evidence, but
in fact they buried the truth under a mass of matter poured out upon
the hearers, so that the points never could be found. Everything they
presented was muddled. So many subjects were brought into one
discourse that no point stood proved and clear in the minds of those
unacquainted with the truth.... One subject, a few points made plain
and clear, would be of more value to the hearer than this mass of matter
which you may call evidence, and think your points substantiated.—
Letter 47, 1886