Seite 82 - Evangelism (1946)

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Finance and the Budget
Sit Down and Count the Cost—God’s people are not to go for-
ward blindly in the investment of means that they have not and know
not where to obtain. We must show wisdom in the movements that we
make. Christ has laid before us the plan upon which His work is to be
conducted. Those who desire to build must first sit down and count the
cost, to see whether they are able to carry the building to completion.
Before they begin to carry out their plans, they must advise with wise
counselors. If one worker, failing to reason from cause to effect, is
in danger of making unwise moves, his fellow workers are to speak
words of wisdom to him, showing him where he is in error.—
182, 1902
Strict Economy—Let all who take up the work in our large cities
be careful in this respect—in no place should there be any needless
expenditure of money. It is not by outward display that men and women
are to learn what is comprehended by present truth. Our workers are
to practice strict economy. God forbids all extravagance. Every dollar
at our command is to be expended with economy. No great display is
to be made. God’s money is to be used to carry forward in His own
way the work that He has declared must be done in our world.—
107, 1905
Begin Without Display—Why should we delay to begin work in
our cities? We are not to wait for some wonderful thing to be done, or
some costly apparatus to be provided, in order that a great display may
be made. What is the chaff to the wheat? If we walk and work humbly
before God, He will prepare the way before us.—
Letter 335, 1904
Balanced Evangelism—God forbid that there should be a large
outlay of means in a few places, without considering the needs of the
many fields that have scarcely any help. Self-denial exercised by the
brethren in favored localities in order that adequate help may be given
to needy fields, will aid in accomplishing a work that will bring glory
to God. None can afford to build a high tower of influence in one
locality, while they leave other places unworked. The Lord grant that