Seite 94 - Evangelism (1946)

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Importance of Prayerful Counseling
Meeting the Issues With Counsel and Prayer—There must be
something ventured, and some risks run by those on the field of battle.
They must not in every movement feel that they must receive orders
from headquarters. They must do the best they can under all circum-
stances, all counseling together with much earnest prayer to God for
His wisdom. There must be union of effort.—
Letter 14, 1887
Frequent Councils—In connection with the proclamation of the
message in large cities, there are many kinds of work to be done by
laborers with varied gifts. Some are to labor in one way, some in
another.... As laborers together with God, they should seek to be in
harmony with one another. There should be frequent councils, and
earnest, whole-hearted co-operation. Yet all are to look to Jesus for
wisdom, not depending upon men alone for direction.—
For The Church 9:109
Brother Consult With Brother—As workers we need to counsel
together over difficult matters. It is right that brother should consult
with brother. And it is our privilege after we have done this, to bow
together in prayer and ask for divine wisdom and counsel. But for one
human voice to be a controlling power is a sad mistake.—
Letter 186,
Defects Revealed—In the work of the laborers there should be a
counseling together. No one is to strike out on his own independent
judgment, and work according to his own mind, unless he has a trea-
sury of his own from which to draw.... I have been shown that the
management of the work must not be trusted to inexperienced hands.
Those who have not had breadth of experience are not the ones to take
large responsibilities, although they may think themselves qualified to
do so. Their brethren may see defects where they themselves see only
The Review and Herald, December 8, 1885
Ministers to Take Time to Pray—I am drawn out to call upon
our people to make every effort to save souls. We need increased faith.
The hearts of our church members should be drawn out in prayer for