Page 117 - In Heavenly Places (1967)

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Trust Yourself with God, April 14
But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from
2 Thessalonians 3:3
How many there are who go through life under a cloud of condemna-
tion! They do not believe God’s word. They have no faith that He will do
as He has said. Many who long to see others resting in the pardoning love
of Christ do not rest in it for themselves. But how can they possibly lead
others to show simple, childlike faith in the heavenly Father when they
measure His love by their feelings?
Let us trust God’s word implicitly, remembering that we are His sons
and daughters. Let us train ourselves to believe His word. We hurt the
heart of Christ by doubting, when He has given such evidence of His
love. He laid down His life to save us. He says to us: “Come unto me,
... and I will give you rest....” Do you believe He will do as He has said?
Then, after you have complied with the conditions, carry no longer the
burden of your sins. Let it roll upon the Saviour. Trust yourself with Him.
Has He not promised to give you rest? But to many He is obliged to say
sorrowfully, “Ye will not come to me, that ye might have life” (
John 5:40
Behold Christ. Dwell upon His love and mercy. This will fill the soul
with abhorrence for all that is sinful and will inspire it with an intense
desire for the righteousness of Christ. The more clearly we see the Saviour,
the more clearly shall we discern our defects of character. Confess your
sins to Christ, and with true contrition of soul cooperate with Him by
putting these sins away. Believe that they are pardoned. The promise is
positive, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our
sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (
1 John 1:9
). Be assured
that the word of God will not fail. He who has promised is faithful. It is
as much your duty to believe that God will fulfill His word and forgive
you as it is to confess your sins....
Look steadfastly to Jesus. Behold Him, full of grace and truth. He will
make His goodness pass before you while He hides you in the cleft of the
rock. You will be enabled to endure the seeing of Him who is invisible,
and by beholding you will be transformed.