Page 143 - In Heavenly Places (1967)

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Joy and Consolation, May 8
How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to
my mouth!
Psalm 119:103
God has given us His Word as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
Its teachings have a vital bearing on our prosperity in all the relations of
life. Even in our temporal affairs it will be a wiser guide than any other
The appreciation of the Bible grows with its study. Whichever way
the student may turn he will find displayed the infinite wisdom and love
of God. To him who is truly converted the Word of God is the joy and
consolation of the life. The Spirit of God speaks to him, and his heart
becomes like a watered garden.
There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than a
study of the Bible. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts,
to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible.
If God’s Word were studied as it should be, men would have a breath of
mind, a nobility of character, that is rarely seen in these times.
No knowledge is so firm, so consistent, so far reaching, as that obtained
from a study of the Word of God. If there were not another book in the
wide world, the Word of God, lived out through the grace of Christ, would
make man perfect in this world, with a character fitted for the future,
immortal life. Those who study the Word, taking it in faith as the truth
and receiving it into the character, will be complete in Him who is all in
all. Thank God for the possibilities set before humanity.
“Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learn-
ing, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have
hope” (
Romans 15:4
). “Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly
to them; that thy profiting may appear to all” (
1 Timothy 4:15
). “For all
flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass
withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: but the word of the Lord
endureth for ever” (
1 Peter 1:24, 25
The time devoted to a study of God’s Word and to prayer will bring a
hundredfold return.