Page 22 - In Heavenly Places (1967)

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A Mutual Contract, January 13
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the
sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.
John 1:12
Salvation is secured by a mutual contract. “As many as
received him
to them gave he power to become the sons of God.” Will you, with all
your heart and mind and soul, enter into this contract?
Look to your Redeemer in faith and loving trust, for power and wisdom
to do the work of character building. He sits as a refiner, to purify the gold
and silver from all dross. Then look continually unto Him, and no cheap
or worthless material will be brought into the structure of your character
By faith you may accept the merits of the blood of the Son of God,
which He has shed that the sinner might not perish, but have everlasting
life. God has laid upon Him all power, that He may impart help to every
one who will break with Satan and acknowledge Christ as his only hope....
When you are ready to cooperate with Him who can keep you from falling,
your resolutions will be of some value. Christ, the chief Healer, will make
you whole. He works mightily with every one who is in earnest. He will
give strength and victory. All the mean and wicked traits of character can
be taken away by the One who has purchased you as His property....
Make a break with the enemy. Cast yourselves loose from the prince
of the power of the air and from the legion of his associates.
Satan will resist the efforts of those who choose to stand on the Lord’s
side. He will resort to every kind of deception to frustrate their efforts.
But God has given His Son to bear the sins of those who seek His truth
and righteousness. He stands ready to impart grace to every one who
looks to Him in faith....
The exercise of faith and manly courage will enlarge the comprehen-
sion of what it means to be a Christian. We are to seek for that faith which
works by love and purifies the soul. We shall have severe conflicts with
our hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil. There must be a firm
dependence upon the Captain of our salvation. He will not fail to do His