Page 296 - In Heavenly Places (1967)

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God’s Church on Earth, October 1
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy
priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by
Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 2:5
The church on earth is God’s temple, and it is to assume divine pro-
portions before the world. This building is to be the light of the world.
It is to be composed of living stones laid close together, stone fitting to
stone, making a solid building. All these stones are not of the same shape
or dimension. Some are large and some are small, but each one has its
own place to fill. In the whole building there is not to be one misshapen
stone. Each one is perfect. And each stone is a living stone, a stone that
emits light. The value of the stones is determined by the light they reflect
to the world.
Now is the time for the stones to be taken from the quarry of the world
and brought into God’s workshop, to be hewed, squared, and polished,
that they may shine. This is God’s plan, and He desires all who profess to
believe the truth to fill their respective places in the great, grand work for
this time.
The angelic architect has brought his golden measuring rod from
heaven, that every stone may be hewed and squared by the divine mea-
surement, and polished to shine as an emblem of heaven, radiating in all
directions the bright, clear beams of the Sun of Righteousness.
In this world we are to shine in good works. The Lord requires His
people ... to reflect the light of God’s character, God’s love, as Christ
reflected it. As we look unto Jesus, all our lives will be aglow with that
wondrous light. Every part of us is to be light; then whichever way we
turn, light will be reflected from us to others. Christ is the way, the truth,
and the life. In Him is no darkness at all; therefore, if we are in Christ,
there will be no darkness in us.
The church on earth is to become the court of holy love.... Christian
fellowship is one means by which character is formed. Thus selfishness is
purged from the life, and men and women are drawn to Christ, the great
center. Thus is answered His prayer that His followers may be one as He
is one with the Father.