Page 7 - In Heavenly Places (1967)

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This devotional book has been compiled largely from unpublished and
out-of-print Spirit of Prophecy materials. Its inspirational truths have been
drawn from the deep reservoir of accumulated Ellen G. White articles,
which through the years appeared in the journals of the church, and from
many, many letters of admonition, encouragement, and instruction written
to both youthful and mature Advent pilgrims pressing on their journey to
the kingdom. As the verities of the message are presented first from one
approach and then from another, they appear with new beauty and added
The Ellen G. White statements that comment on the texts of scripture
were selected and assembled in the offices of the Ellen G. White Estate.
This was done in harmony with Mrs. White’s instruction to the trustees,
with whom she left the responsibility of the care of her writings.
To provide devotional readings of uniform length it has been necessary,
at times, to drop out portions of some of the materials selected, which
are repetitive or less pertinent to the topic presented, but in each case
this has been indicated by marks of ellipsis. Such omissions have in no
way distorted or altered the meaning of the original passage. References
directing the reader to the original source of each selection appear at the
close of the volume. The scripture index includes not only all verses
quoted but also those alluded to, thus providing a reference help that may
be used, to a limited extent, as a subject index.
We believe that this volume, presenting in a fresh setting encouraging
counsels and basic principles vital to successful Christian experience and
living, is a worthy addition to the Spirit of Prophecy books. That it may lift
the reader in his devotional moments to
Heavenly Places
, is the prayerful
wish of the Publishers and
The Trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate
Washington, D.C.