Page 95 - In Heavenly Places (1967)

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Prayer in the Home, March 24
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and
watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all
Ephesians 6:18
If ever there was a time when every house should be a house of prayer,
it is now. Infidelity and skepticism are prevailing. Iniquity abounds, and
in consequence the love of many waxes cold....
And yet in this time of fearful peril some who profess to be Christians
have no family altar. They do not honor God in the home nor teach their
children to love and fear Him....
The idea that prayer is not essential is one of Satan’s most successful
devices to ruin souls. Prayer is addressing the mind to God, the Fountain of
wisdom, the Source of strength and peace and happiness. Prayer includes
acknowledgement of the divine perfections, gratitude for mercies received,
penitential confession of sins, and earnest entreaty for the blessing of God,
both for ourselves and for others.
Jesus prayed to the Father with strong crying and tears. Paul exhorts
believers to “pray without ceasing” (
1 Thessalonians 5:17
). “In every
thing, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be
made known unto God” (
Philippians 4:6
).... God has a right to command
our devotions; His authority is sacred and unquestionable. We are under
obligation to pray because He requires it; and in obeying His requirements
we shall receive a gracious and precious reward....
Parents should make a hedge about their children by prayer; they
should pray with full faith that God will abide with them and that holy
angels will guard themselves and their children from Satan’s cruel power....
Fathers and mothers, at least morning and evening lift up your hearts
to God in humble supplication for yourselves and your children. Your
dear ones are exposed to temptations and trials. There are frets and
irritations that daily beset the path of old and young; and those who would
live patient, loving, cheerful lives amid daily annoyances must pray. This
victory can be gained only by a resolute and unwavering purpose, constant
watchfulness, and continual help from God.