Seite 179 - Sketches from the Life of Paul (1883)

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Paul Appeals to Caesar
answered decidedly that whatever their practice might be, it was not
the custom of the Romans to sacrifice any man’s life merely to gratify
his accusers, but to bring the accused face to face with his accusers
before impartial witnesses, and to give him an opportunity to defend
himself. God in his providence controlled the decision of Festus, that
the life of the apostle might be preserved.
Finding their purposes defeated, the Jewish leaders at once orga-
nized a powerful deputation to present their accusations at the court of
the procurator. After a stay of eight or ten days in Jerusalem, Festus
returned to Caesarea, and the next day took his seat at the tribunal
to hear the case. The Jews, on this occasion being without a lawyer,
preferred their charges themselves. The trial was a scene of passionate,
unreasoning clamor on the part of the accusers, while Paul with perfect
calmness and candor clearly showed the falsity of their statements.
The Jews repeated their charges of heresy, treason, and sacrilege,
but could bring no witnesses to sustain them. They endeavored to
intimidate Festus as they had once intimidated Pilate by their pre-
tended zeal for the honor of Caesar. But Festus had too thorough an
understanding of the Roman law to be deceived by their clamor. He
saw that the real question in dispute related wholly to Jewish doctrines,
and that, rightly understood, there was nothing in the charges against
Paul, could they be proved, that would render him worthy of death, or
even imprisonment. Yet he saw clearly the storm of rage that would be
created if Paul were not to be condemned or delivered into their hands.
He looked with disgust upon the scene before him,—the Jewish
priests and rulers, with scowling faces and gleaming eyes, forgetting
the dignity of their office, eagerly reiterating their accusations, in tones
that grew louder and louder until the tribunal rang with their cries of
rage. Heartily desiring to end it all, he turned to Paul, who stood calm
and self-possessed before his adversaries, and asked if he was willing
to go to Jerusalem under his protection, to be tried by the Sanhedrim.
This would virtually transfer the matter from Roman to Jewish
jurisdiction. Paul knew that he could not look for justice from that
people who were by their crimes bringing down upon themselves
the wrath of God. Like the prophet Elijah, he would be safer among
the heathen than with those who had rejected the light from Heaven,
and hardened their hearts against the truth. When his life had been
imperiled by the wrath of his enemies, it was heathen magistrates