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Across the Pacific
Nor were those who should receive a training, to be limited in their
missionary endeavors by racial or national barriers. Wherever they
labored, their efforts were to be crowned with speedy triumph. “The
purpose and ends to be attained by consecrated missionaries,” Mrs.
White declared, “are very comprehensive. The field for missionary
operation is not limited by caste or nationality. The field is the world,
and the light of truth is to go to all the dark places of the earth in a
much shorter time than many think possible.”
Bible Echo, Supplement,
September 1, 1892
It was on this same occasion of the opening of the Australasian
Bible School, which afterward developed into the Australasian Mis-
sionary College, that Mrs. White said:
“The missionary work in Australia and New Zealand is yet in its
infancy, but the same work must be accomplished in Australia, New
Zealand, in Africa, India, China, and the islands of the sea, as has been
accomplished in the home field.”
Bible Echo, Supplement, September
1, 1892
Encompassed by Infirmities
The suffering from neuritis which began in January, continued
till the following November. Very faithful and vigorous treatment for
checking the disease was given her by her nurse and secretaries; but
during the winter months the ailment made steady advance. Still she
continued her writing. Propped up in bed, she wrote letters to friends,
testimonies to leading workers in the cause, and many chapters for
“The Desire of Ages.”
As spring approached, there was some improvement; and in Octo-
ber she decided to try the drier climate of Adelaide, South Australia.
There she spent six weeks, with beneficial results.
A Review of Experience
In a letter written from Melbourne December 23, 1892, to the
brethren assembled in General Conference, Mrs. White reviewed her
experience during this long sickness, as follows:
“I am rejoiced to report to you the goodness, the mercy, and the
blessing of the Lord bestowed upon me. I am still compassed with