Page 138 - The Ministry of Healing (1905)

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The Ministry of Healing
and superstitions. He who could read all hearts chose humble fish-
ermen who were willing to be taught. He ate with publicans and
sinners, and mingled with the common people, not to become low
and earthly with them, but in order by precept and example to present
to them right principles, and to uplift them from their earthliness
and debasement.
Jesus sought to correct the world’s false standard of judging the
value of men. He took His position with the poor, that He might lift
from poverty the stigma that the world had attached to it. He has
stripped from it forever the reproach of scorn, by blessing the poor,
the inheritors of God’s kingdom. He points us to the path He trod,
saying, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and
take up his cross daily, and follow Me.”
Verse 23
Christian workers are to meet the people where they are, and
educate them, not in pride, but in character building. Teach them
how Christ worked and denied Himself. Help them to learn from
Him the lessons of self-denial and sacrifice. Teach them to beware
of self-indulgence in conforming to fashion. Life is too valuable,
too full of solemn, sacred responsibilities, to be wasted in pleasing
Life’s Best Things
Men and women have hardly begun to understand the true object
of life. They are attracted by glitter and show. They are ambitious
for worldly pre-eminence. To this the true aims of life are sacri-
ficed. Life’s best things—simplicity, honesty, truthfulness, purity,
integrity—cannot be bought or sold. They are as free to the ignorant
as to the educated, to the humble laborer as to the honored statesman.
For everyone God has provided pleasure that may be enjoyed by
rich and poor alike—the pleasure found in cultivating pureness of
thought and unselfishness of action, the pleasure that comes from
speaking sympathizing words and doing kindly deeds. From those
who perform such service the light of Christ shines to brighten lives
darkened by many shadows.
While helping the poor in temporal things, keep always in view
their spiritual needs. Let your own life testify to the Saviour’s keep-
ing power. Let your character reveal the high standard to which all