Page 102 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Medical Ministry
the soul. There is danger in the first and slightest departure from
the strictest rectitude. Be true to yourself. Preserve your God-given
dignity in the fear of God. There is great need that every medical
worker get hold and keep hold of the arm of Infinite Power.
Be True
The policy principle is one that will assuredly lead into difficul-
ties. He who regards the favor of men as more desirable than the
favor of God will fall under the temptation to sacrifice principle for
worldly gain or recognition. Thus fidelity to God is constantly being
sacrificed. Truth, God’s truth, must be cherished in the soul and held
in the strength of heaven, or the power of Satan will wrest it from
you. Never entertain the thought that an honest, truthful physician
cannot succeed. Such a sentiment dishonors the God of truth and
righteousness. He
succeed; for he has God and heaven on his
side. Let every bribe to dissimulate be sternly refused. Hold fast
your integrity in the strength of the grace of Christ, and He will
fulfill His word to you.
The medical student, however young, has access to the God
of Daniel. Through divine grace and power he may become as
efficient in his calling as Daniel was in his exalted position. But
it is a mistake to make a scientific preparation the all-important
thing, while religious principles which lie at the very foundation of
a successful practice are neglected. Many are lauded as skillful men
in their profession who scorn the thought that they need to rely upon
Christ for wisdom in their work. But if these men who trust in their
knowledge of science were illuminated by the light of heaven, to
how much greater excellence might they attain! How much stronger
would be their powers, with how much greater confidence could
they undertake difficult cases! The man who is closely connected
with the Great Physician has the resources of heaven and earth at his
command, and he can work with a wisdom, an unerring precision,
that the godless man cannot possess.
Like Enoch, the physician should be a man who walks with God.
This will be to him a safeguard against all the delusive, pernicious
sentiments which make so many infidels and skeptics. The truth of
God, practiced in the life and constantly guiding in all that concerns