Page 111 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 4—Our Medical College
constitution, with a clear mind, with well-balanced nerves, and a
good digestion. With these, he will be fitted to do the work he has
qualified himself to do. If he disqualifies himself by imprudence, by
eating hurriedly because he has little time to spend, he is unfitting
himself for ever doing sound, wholesome work....
Accountability to God
The first and highest and most acceptable missionary work that
the student can do is to obey God in all he undertakes, in every action
of the wonderful machinery God devised in the formation of man.
He is not to treat himself indifferently; he is to know himself, and
work with an intelligent knowledge of what he can do, and do safely,
and what he should avoid in eating and in working.... A disordered
stomach means a disordered mind.
I would say to each student, You need to take yourself in hand,
and let no one whip up your tired nerves and muscles to meet his
individual measurement. You are God’s workmanship, and under
a full sense of your accountability to God you are to treat yourself
aright. Give yourself proper time to sleep. They who sleep give
nature time to build up and repair the weary waste of the organism....
Overtaxing the Body
You can do the very best home missionary work by taking care
of God’s temple.... Do not presume to overtax this wonderful ma-
chinery, lest some part give way and bring your work to a standstill.
I am pained as I have presented to me students who are being
educated to work for the salvation of the souls and bodies of those
perishing around them, but who will themselves perish before they
can accomplish that for which they are striving so earnestly. Will all
teachers and students learn before they go any further how to treat
themselves, that they may intelligently cooperate with God, to bear
His message, to do His work, and not be cut off at the very time
when they are most needed?