Page 159 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 7—Fees and Wages
realizing sense that the cleansing blood of Christ secures for him
pardon and elevation of character. In spirituality he grows like the
lofty cedar. Daily he holds communion with God, and he has a
treasure-house of knowledge from which to draw. He is mighty in
the knowledge of the Scriptures. His fellowship is with the Father
and the Son, and he knows more and still more of the divine will.
He is filled with a constantly increasing love for God and for his
Letter 46, 1901
Care in Expenditure
If physicians feel that they do not receive sufficient wages, their
circumstances should be examined. If their work is too heavy, others
should be brought in to share their responsibilities, and they should
be given less to do. We are engaged in an important work, and great
care must be exercised in the use of means. There is a world to
receive the light. Souls unwarned are perishing. If increased wages
are paid to those who ought to be satisfied, this will result in keeping
out other laborers whose services are needed, but who, because of
the lack of means, cannot be employed.—
Manuscript 59, 1912.
The Policy Principle a Dishonor to God
There are those who will suggest to you that in order to be
successful in your profession you must be a policy man; you
at times depart from strict rectitude. These temptations find a ready
welcome in the heart of man; but I speak that which I know. Do not
be deceived or deluded. Do not pamper self. Do not throw open
a door through which the enemy may enter to take possession of
the soul. There is danger in the first and slightest departure from
the strictest rectitude. Be true to yourself. Preserve your God-given
dignity in the fear of God. There is great need that every medical
worker get hold and keep hold of the arm of Infinite Power.
The policy principle is one that will assuredly lead into difficul-
ties. He who regards the favor of men as more desirable than the
favor of God will fall under the temptation to sacrifice principle for
worldly gain or recognition. Thus fidelity to God is constantly being
sacrificed. Truth, God’s truth, must be cherished in the soul and held