Page 161 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 7—Fees and Wages
Medical missionary workers are acknowledged by Christ, not
because they bear the name they do, but because they are under the
guardianship of the Chief Missionary, who left heaven to give His
life for the life of the world. He says, “If ye love Me, keep My
commandments.... He that hath My commandments, and keepeth
them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loveth Me shall be loved of
My Father, and I will love Him, and will manifest Myself to Him.”
Then, as witnesses for God, give proof that you are under the
discipline and training of the great Medical Missionary; that you
have placed yourself in His hands, to manifest His Spirit, to show
to the world the sacred character of His great work, and to reveal to
unbelievers the advantage of being under His guardianship.
A medical missionary is not of value to the cause of God unless
all the principles embraced in the name that he bears are developed in
his life. The gospel of Christ is to be brought into the daily life. We
are to make our life in this world an example, as far as we possibly
can, of what the life in heaven will be. This Christ expects of all
who claim to be medical missionaries. They are not to cherish one
principle that bears a taint of selfishness. They are to stand before
the world as followers of Christ, partaking of His self-denial and
humiliation and heralding His coming.—
Letter 63, 1903
Advice to a Young Physician
The Lord has given you your work. He expects you each week
to interview yourself, to find out how you are trading on your Lord’s
goods. Are you putting to the tax your mental, moral, and physical
powers in an effort to please the Lord, who desires you to accumulate
talents by a correct use of those He has given you? Your being a
physician in no case releases you from the necessity of practicing
economy. There are new fields to be entered, and to enter these
fields requires the closest economy. Will you enter these fields as
you have entered----, content to let others practice self-denial and lift
the cross, while you indulge your fancies, spending money lavishly
to make a show? God requires you to accomplish good with every
jot of your influence. Then will be seen the most blessed results.
You need to learn the art of using your talents for the glory of
Him who has lent them to you. This requires study and prayer and