Page 163 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 7—Fees and Wages
medical missionary work Jesus is to behold the travail of His soul.
Human beings are to be snatched as brands from the burning.
Heaven is Watching
But a change has come that has hindered the work which God
designed to move forward without a trace of selfishness. All heaven
is watching with intense anxiety to see what is to be the outcome
of the work which is so large and so important. God is watching,
the heavenly universe is watching; and souls are perishing. Is the
enterprise of mercy through which in the past God has manifested
His grace in rescuing and restoring, to become a matter of selfish
merchandise? Shall the instrumentality ordained by heaven to bring
good to man and glory to God be lost through improvident expendi-
ture? Shall God’s agency of blessing be used by those who profess
to believe the truth in buying and selling and getting gain?
The experience of apostolic days will come to us if men will be
worked by the Holy Spirit. The Lord will withdraw His blessing
where selfish interests are indulged; but He will put His people in
possession of good all through the world if they will use this for the
uplifting of humanity. His work is to be a sign of His benevolence, a
sign that will win the confidence of the world and bring in resources
for the advancement of His kingdom.
A Contagious Example
God will test the sincerity of men. Those who will deny self,
take up the cross, and follow Christ will have a continual work to do
in the line of restoring the fallen human order. Those who sacrifice
for truth make a great impression on the world. Their example is
contagious and convincing. Men see that there is in the church that
faith which works by love and purifies the soul. But when those
who profess to be working for God seek to benefit themselves, they
greatly retard the work and cast a reproach upon it....
Divine Authority to be Acknowledged
Never forsake the true standard, even though to cling to it makes
you a beggar. God has set up a high standard of righteousness. He