Page 187 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 8—Counsels and Cautions
believers seeking to impart light to those in darkness, showing the
holiness that God accepts. They did not hold up the principles of
health reform. Some were opposed to health reform; others were
only half converted on the question of reform diet.
With some the chief thought in undertaking sanitarium work has
been to show what “I can do.” They did not first sit down and count
the cost, asking themselves whether, after taking up the work, they
would be able to carry it forward acceptably and successfully in the
fear and love of God. Instead of moving cautiously, exercising the
strictest economy at every step, they made investments on borrowed
capital. They felt sure that they could carry forward the work without
loss, and that their debts would soon be paid. They did not work out
their plans with fear and trembling, and they brought trouble to the
cause which their work was supposed to represent.
If our physicians would be willing to unite with men who have
made a success of financial management; if they would cheerfully
work in a humble way, until the earnings of their work enabled them
to enlarge; if they would resolutely refuse to pile up debts, they
would save themselves and their brethren from many sorrows. If
they would depend on the help of God, putting their trust in Him
and showing themselves willing to begin small and to let the merit
of their work speak for itself, if they had sanctified motives, if they
would make it their determination to exert a saving influence in
the world, they would be blessed in their work, and many more
sanitariums would be established as representatives of the truth.
A Solemn Warning
The Lord has instructed me to warn those who establish sani-
tariums in new places to begin their work in humility. They are to
consecrate their abilities to God, to be used to the glory of His name.
The sanitariums established in the future are not to be immense,
expensive buildings. Small local sanitariums are to be established in
connection with our schools.
Many sanitariums are to be established in places outside the
cities. Connected with them there are to be men and women of
ability and consecration, who will conduct themselves in the love
and fear of God. These institutions are to be training schools. Those