Page 195 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 9—The Management of Sanitariums
instruments in blessing others; for they will give the glory to Him to
whom belongs all greatness and power.
Tact and ingenuity will be required. It is necessary to be con-
stantly on the alert to meet prejudice and to overcome difficulties.
Unless this attitude is taken, there will be, not peace, but a sword, in
our institutions. The workers are constantly brought in contact with
others who also carry heavy burdens; and all need divine enlighten-
ment. They need to manifest the unselfish, loving spirit of Christ.
They will be tried. Their faith and love, patience and constancy, will
be proved; but God is their Helper.—
Manuscript 162, 1904.
Essential Qualifications for Management
Our health institutions are of value in the Lord’s estimation only
when He is allowed to preside in their management. If His plans
and devisings are regarded as inferior to plans of men, He looks
upon these institutions as of no more value than the institutions
established and conducted by worldlings. God cannot endorse any
institution unless it teaches the living principles of His law and
brings its own actions into strict conformity to these precepts. Upon
those institutions that are not maintained according to His law He
pronounces the sentence, “Unaccepted; weighed in the balances of
the sanctuary and found wanting.”
The man at the head of any work in God’s cause is to be a
man of intelligence, a man capable of managing large interests
successfully, a man of even temper, Christlike forbearance, and
perfect self-control. He only whose heart is transformed by the
grace of Christ can be a proper leader.
Those who act as managers and overseers in our sanitariums are
not to make the world’s policy their criterion; for the sign of God, as
defined in
Exodus 31:12-17
, is to be revealed in all its comprehensive
meaning. The proper observance of the Sabbath day by all connected
with our sanitariums will exert an untold influence for good. Every
medical institution established by Seventh-day Adventists is to bear
God’s sign before the world prominently, without disguising the
facts in any way. We are to voice the message of the third angel
flying in the midst of heaven with the everlasting gospel to proclaim
to the world. We are to bear aloft the banner on which is inscribed,