Page 259 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 12—The Prevention of Disease and Its Cure by Rational Methods
one meal. In the preparation of food there are unhealthful mixtures
which ferment in the stomach and cause great distress. And yet these
go on, continuing their indulgence, which lays the foundation for
numerous difficulties. If these would have self-control, and educate
their taste to eat only those things which the abused stomach can
and will assimilate, they would save large expense in doctor bills
and avoid great sufferings....
It is the work of the physician to educate those who are ignorant
in regard to these things. There should be training schools to educate
nurses and prepare the minds to sense the danger and to see the
importance of bringing in skill and tact in the preparation of foods
which shall be substituted for the meat diet. This kind of education
will pay in the end. Wisdom should be used not to remove meat
all at once from those who have been in the habit of using it, but
educate the mind to see the importance of the use of healthful food.—
Manuscript 22, 1887.
The Law of Faith and Works
The grace of God is always reformatory. Every human being is
in a school, where he is to learn to give up hurtful practices, and to
obtain a knowledge of what he can do for himself. Those who ignore
these things, who take no precautions in regard to getting pure air to
breathe and pure water to drink, cannot be free from disease. Their
systems are defiled and the human structure injured.
Such people are careless, reckless, presumptuous, and self-
destroying. Knowledge is strewn along their pathway, but they
refuse to gather up the rays of light, saying that they depend on God.
But will God do those things that He has left for them to do? Will He
supply their neglect? Will He wink at their willing ignorance, and
do great things for them, by restoring soul, body, and spirit, while
they ignore the most simple agencies, the use of which would bring
them their health? While day by day they indulge their appetite by
eating that which brings disease, can they expect the Lord to work a
miracle to restore them? This is not the Lord’s way of working. By
doing this, they make the Lord altogether such an one as themselves.
Faith and works go together....