Page 274 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Medical Ministry
hand. As His appointed agency it is to have room and encourage-
ment. Medical missionaries are to have as much encouragement as
any accredited evangelist. Pray with these workers. Council with
them if they need counsel. Do not dampen their zeal and energy. Be
sure by your own consecration and devotion to keep a high standard
before them. Laborers are greatly needed in the Lord’s vineyard,
and not a word of discouragement should be spoken to those who
consecrate themselves to the work.—
Manuscript 33, 1901
The Worst Evil
My brethren, the Lord calls for unity, for oneness. We are to be
one in the faith. I want to tell you that when the gospel ministers
and the medical missionary workers are not united, there is placed
on our churches the worst evil that can be placed there. Our medical
missionaries ought to be interested in the work of our conferences,
and our conference workers ought to be as much interested in the
work of our medical missionaries.—
Manuscript 46, 1904
A Means of Entrance to Hearts
Medical missionary work must have its representatives in our
cities. Centers must be made and missions established on right lines.
Ministers of the gospel are to unite with the medical missionary
work, which has ever been presented to me as the work which is to
break down the prejudice which exists in our world against the truth.
The medical missionary work is growing in importance, and
claims the attention of the churches. It is a part of the gospel message,
and must receive recognition. It is the heaven-ordained means of
finding entrance to the hearts of people. It is the duty of our church
members in every place to follow the instruction of the Great Teacher.
The gospel message is to be preached in every city; for this is in
accordance with the example of Christ and His disciples. Medical
missionaries are to seek patiently and earnestly to reach the higher
classes. If this work is faithfully done, professional men will become
trained evangelists.—
Manuscript 33, 1901