Page 367 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 18—Extent of the Work
feel sadness, except as we see a failure on the part of God’s people
to follow their Leader step by step....
The work in the cities is the essential work for this time, and
is now to be taken hold of in faith. When the cities are worked as
God would have them, the result will be the setting in operation of
a mighty movement such as we have not yet witnessed. May the
Lord give wisdom to our brethren that they may know how to carry
forward the work in harmony with His will. With mighty power the
cry is to be sounded in our large centers of population: “Behold, the
Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him.”
Every Agency to be Set in Operation
The ordained minister alone is not equal to the task of warning
the world. God is calling not only upon ministers, but also upon
physicians, nurses, canvassers, Bible workers, and other consecrated
laymen of varied talents who have a knowledge of present truth, to
consider the needs of the unwarned cities. There should be one hun-
dred workers actively engaged in personal missionary work where
now there is but one. Time is rapidly passing. There is much work
to be done before satanic opposition shall close up the way. Every
agency must be set in operation, that present opportunities may be
wisely improved.
The Lord is calling upon the men and women who have the light
of truth for this time to engage in genuine, personal missionary work.
Especially are the church members living in the cities to exercise,
in all humility, their God-given talents in laboring with those who
are willing to hear the message that should come to the world at this
time. There are great blessings in store for those who fully surrender
to the call of God. As such workers undertake to win souls for Jesus,
they will find that many who never could be reached in any other
way will respond to intelligent personal effort.
A working church is a living church. Church members, let the
light shine forth. Let your voices be heard in humble prayer, in
witness against the intemperance, the folly, and the amusements of
this world, and in the proclamation of the truth for this time. Your
voice, your influence, your time—all these are gifts from God, and
are to be used in winning souls to Christ. Visit your neighbors, and