Page 57 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 2—The Divine Plan in the Medical Missionary Work
physically, but from the Saviour they receive the forgiveness of their
sins, and they identify themselves completely with Christ, with His
interests, His honor. Their sins are taken away and are placed at
Christ’s account. His righteousness is imputed to them. The healing
balm is applied to the soul. They receive the grace of Christ and go
forth to impart to others the light of truth. The Lord makes them
His witnesses. Their testimony is, He was made “to be sin for us,
who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God
in Him.” They never forget the prayers, the songs of praise and
thanksgiving, that they heard while at the sanitarium. Can we realize
how much God is glorified by this work?—
Letter 38, 1899
To Lift Up Christ
The purpose of our health institutions is not first and foremost
to be that of hospitals. The health institutions connected with the
closing work of the gospel in the earth stand for the great principles
of the gospel in all its fullness. Christ is the one to be revealed in
all the institutions connected with the closing work, but none of
them can do it so fully as the health institution where the sick and
suffering come for relief and deliverance from both physical and
spiritual ailment. Many of these need, like the paralytic of old, the
forgiveness of sin the first thing, and they need to learn how to “go,
and sin no more.”
If a sanitarium connected with this closing message fails to lift
up Christ and the principles of the gospel as developed in the third
angel’s message, it fails in its most important feature, and contradicts
the very object of its existence.—
The Review and Herald, October
29, 1914.
Christ to Bring Relief and Healing
I have been instructed that we should lead the sick in our insti-
tutions to expect large things because of the faith of the physician
in the Great Healer who, in the years of His earthly ministry, went
through the towns and villages of the land, and healed all who came
to Him. None were turned empty away; He healed them all. Let the