Page 67 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 3—The Christian Physician and His Work
the reading of the words of Christ, we must make a right application
of them to our individual cases.
We have been given a message exceeding in importance any
other message ever entrusted to mortals. This message Christ came
in person to the Isle of Patmos to present to John. He told him
to write down what he saw and heard during his vision, that the
churches might know what was to come upon the earth. Do our med-
ical workers realize the importance of the message of Revelation?
The word, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because
thou hast left thy first love,” is applicable to many living in this time.
God calls for immediate repentance and reformation. It is time for a
great change to take place among the people who are looking for the
second appearing of their Lord. Soon strange things will take place.
God will hold us responsible for the way in which we treat the truth.
Our purity of faith and action will decide our future.
God is in earnest with us. To every man He has given his work.
Everyone is to do his part. A clear, decided testimony is to be borne,
for a people is to be prepared to meet a time of trouble such as never
was since there was a nation.—
Manuscript 136, 1902
To Prepare Souls for Death
The question has been asked many times, Should the physician
feel it his duty to open the truth to his patients? That depends on
circumstances. In many cases all that should be done is to point
to Christ as a personal Saviour. There are those who would only
be injured should any new doctrine not in accordance with their
previous views be brought before them. God must guide in this
work. He can prepare minds to receive the word of truth. It is just as
much a physician’s duty to prepare the souls before him for what is
to take place as to minister to their physical needs. Let them know
their danger. Be a faithful steward for God. Do not let anyone be
launched into eternity without a word of warning or caution. You
cannot neglect this and be a faithful steward. God requires you to
be true to Him wherever you are. There is a great work to be done.
Take hold of it, and do it intelligently. God will help everyone who
does this.—
Manuscript 62, 1900.