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Sermon at Petaluma, California, Campground
in anger only hurts and provokes. Do you want a home in heaven?
We are all desirous of reaching heaven. But does anyone desire to
reach heaven in order that he may fret and scold or punish in anger,
and exercise arbitrary authority? On the other hand, do we not desire
to reach heaven because peace reigns there; because on every side we
shall hear the words, “Thy gentleness hath made me great”?
Mothers to keep a cheerful countenance
Mothers, take your rightful position as a loving teacher of your
children. Remember that the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that
moves the world. Never give expression to words of anger. Keep a
cheerful countenance. Children are very susceptible to expressions of
joy and sorrow. I remember that sometimes when things which caused
sorrow would be brought to me while I was holding one of my children
in my arms, the change of expression on my countenance would be
noticed at once by my child. Seeing the expression of sadness come
over my face, the little babe only three months old would burst out
crying, and could hardly be pacified. At first I did not know what
caused him to cry, but I soon learned.
Missionary work to begin at home
Parents, let our countenances reveal constantly the peace and con-
solation of Christ. This is a missionary work that you are able to do at
home. Missionary work begins in the home. Educate and train your
children for the future immortal life. Lead them to give their hearts to
God, that they with you may be numbered among His people. You can
teach them to stand by you, to strengthen your hands in the missionary
work; and in turn, you can strengthen them.
Parents, sanctify yourselves, that your children also may be sancti-
fied. Sanctify your talent of speech. Words are a precious gift, capable
of doing much good and accomplishing a great work for the Master.
Let every word be such that you can have it written in the books of
heaven without being ashamed to meet your record in the judgment.