Seite 372 - Prophets and Kings (1917)

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Prophets and Kings
weeping of the people: for the people shouted with a loud shout, and
the noise was heard afar off.”
Verses 12, 13
Could those who failed to rejoice at the laying of the foundation
stone of the temple have foreseen the results of their lack of faith on
that day, they would have been appalled. Little did they realize the
weight of their words of disapproval and disappointment; little did
they know how much their expressed dissatisfaction would delay the
completion of the Lord’s house.
The magnificence of the first temple, and the imposing rites of its
religious services, had been a source of pride to Israel before their
captivity; but their worship had ofttimes been lacking in those qualities
which God regards as most essential. The glory of the first temple, the
splendor of its service, could not recommend them to God; for that
which is alone of value in His sight, they did not offer. They did not
bring Him the sacrifice of a humble and contrite spirit.
It is when the vital principles of the kingdom of God are lost sight
of, that ceremonies become multitudinous and extravagant. It is when
the character building is neglected, when the adornment of the soul is
lacking, when the simplicity of godliness is despised, that pride and
love of display demand magnificent church edifices, splendid adorn-
ings, and imposing ceremonials. But in all this God is not honored. He
values His church, not for its external advantages, but for the sincere
piety which distinguishes it from the world. He estimates it according
to the growth of its members in the knowledge of Christ, according
to their progress in spiritual experience. He looks for the principles
of love and goodness. Not all the beauty of art can bear comparison
with the beauty of temper and character to be revealed in those who
are Christ’s representatives.
A congregation may be the poorest in the land. It may be without
the attractions of any outward show; but if the members possess the
principles of the character of Christ, angels will unite with them in
their worship. The praise and thanksgiving from grateful hearts will
ascend to God as a sweet oblation.