Seite 110 - The Publishing Ministry (1983)

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The Publishing Ministry
SDA Publishing Houses to Print Ellen White’s Books—We
have advised Pacific Press to give up commercial work. This has
been done. The Review and Herald also is giving its principal energies
to our own work. The Nashville house is doing less outside work
and is making great exertions to secure good agents and to sell our
denominational books. To take my books into my own hands now
would bring a great trial upon that work, and I cannot do it. I shall let
the work go on as it has been going. We must press together and take
no step that will bring confusion to our publishing work.
You can do as you think best, but I have concluded to have my
books handled just as they have been in the past. I shall encourage our
brethren to scatter them like the leaves of autumn, but I shall leave my
books to be handled by the publishing houses and shall prepare for
larger sales in the future.—
Letter 70, 1907