Seite 341 - The Publishing Ministry (1983)

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Witness Unto All Nations
He looked at me in a queer way, as much as to say, “I do not think
you know that I have given up the truth, that I have allowed my girls
to go to dances, and to the Sunday school, that we do not keep the
Sabbath.” But I did know it. However, I talked to him just as though
he were with us. “Now,” I said, “we are going to help you to begin to
work for your neighbors. I want to make you a present of some books.”
He said, “We have a library, from which we draw books.” I said, “I do
not see any books here. Perhaps you feel delicate about drawing from
the library. I have come to give you these books, so that your children
can read them, and this will be a strength to you.” I knelt down and
prayed with him, and when we rose, the tears were rolling down his
face, as he said, “I am glad that you came to see me. I thank you for
the books.”
The next time I visited him, he told me that he had read part of
Patriarchs and Prophets. He said, “There is not one syllable I could
change. Every paragraph speaks right to the soul.”
I asked Brother H which of my large books he considered the
most important. He said, “I lend them all to my neighbors, and the
hotelkeeper thinks that Great Controversy is the best. But,” he said,
while his lips quivered, “I think that Patriarchs and Prophets is the
best. It is that which pulled me out of the mire.”
But suffice it to say, he took his position firmly for the truth. His
whole family united with him, and they have been the means of saving
other families.—
Evangelism, 451, 452
Twenty-two Years After Seed Sowing—After the meeting closed
[a service at the Michigan camp meeting], a sister took me heartily
by the hand, expressing great joy at meeting Sister White again. She
inquired if I remembered calling at a log house in the woods twenty-
two years before. She gave us refreshments, and I left with them a
little book, Experience and Views.
She stated that she had lent that little book to her neighbors, as new
families had settled around her, until there was very little left of it; and
she expressed a great desire to obtain another copy of the work. Her
neighbors were deeply interested in it, and were desirous of seeing the
writer. She said that when I called upon her I talked to her of Jesus
and the beauties of heaven, and that the words were spoken with such
fervor that she was charmed, and had never forgotten them. Since that
time the Lord had sent ministers to preach the truth to them, and now