Seite 84 - The Publishing Ministry (1983)

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Chapter 9—Quality Message Literature Needed
Circulate Books Containing Present Truth—Let more time be
given to the publication and circulation of books containing present
truth. Call attention to books dwelling on practical faith and godliness
and to those that treat on the prophetic word. The people are to be
educated to read the sure word of prophecy in the light of the living
oracles. They need to know that the signs of the times are fulfilling.
It is God alone who can give success either in preparing or in
circulating our publications. If in faith we maintain His principles,
He will co-operate with us in placing the books in the hands of those
whom they will benefit. The Holy Spirit is to be prayed for, trusted
in, believed in. Humble, fervent prayer will do more to promote the
circulation of our books than will all the expensive ornamentation in
the world.—
Testimonies for the Church 7:158, 159
Articles to Honor Family Religion—Let our periodicals be de-
voted to the publication of living, earnest matter. Let every article
be full of practical, elevating, ennobling thoughts, thoughts that will
give to the reader help and light and strength. Family religion, family
holiness, is now to be honored as never before. If ever a people needed
to walk before God as did Enoch, Seventh-day Adventists need to do
so now, showing their sincerity by pure words, clean words, words full
of sympathy, tenderness, and love.
There are times when words of reproof and rebuke are called for.
Those who are out of the right way must be aroused to see their peril.
A message must be given that shall startle them from the lethargy
which enchains their senses. Moral renovation must take place, else
souls will perish in their sins. Let the message of truth, like a sharp,
two-edged sword, cut its way to the heart. Make appeals that will
arouse the careless and bring foolish, wandering minds back to God.
The attention of the people must be arrested. Our message is a
savor of life unto life or of death unto death. The destinies of souls are
balancing. Multitudes are in the valley of decision. A voice should