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Pastoral Ministry
Seek until you have the joy of finding—The lesson of persever-
ing faith and labor Christ Himself has taught us. In the parable of the
lost sheep He has presented to our imagination no picture of a sor-
rowful shepherd returning without the sheep. The shepherd’s search
ceases not until the lost is brought back to the fold. The woman whose
coin is lost searches till she finds it. These parables do not speak of
failure but of success and joy in the recovery of the lost. Here is the
divine guarantee that not one lost soul is overlooked, not one is left
unsuccored. With all our efforts in seeking for the lost, Christ will
(Australasian) Union Conference Record, July 1, 1900
Reading prepares the way for the spoken word—I have been
shown that few have any correct idea of what the distribution of papers
and tracts is doing. The missionary work, in circulating the publica-
tions upon present truth, is opening doors everywhere, and preparing
minds to receive the truth, when the living preacher shall come among
them. The success which attends the efforts of ministers in the field
is not due alone to their efforts, but in a great degree to the influence
of the reading matter which has enlightened the minds of the people
and removed prejudice. Thus many are made susceptible to the influ-
ence of the truth when it is presented before them.—
The Publishing
Ministry, 398
Get books into the hands of all who will read—In every impor-
tant place there should be a depository for publications. And someone
who really appreciates the truth should manifest an interest to get these
books into the hands of all who will read.—
Testimonies for the Church
We should get out books that can be sold cheaply—Do not
accept the temptations which will come to you with peculiar force to
get out books which involve a large investment of money. The Lord is
not in this matter. The thousands of dollars expended in illustrations
could be invested in getting out books and selling them cheaply. As
ministers attend tent meetings, they should have the privilege of taking
these books with them, and selling them as cheaply as possible. With
the money they receive above what the books have cost them, they
should buy books to present to those of our people who cannot afford