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Pastoral Ministry
the message of truth to those who know it not. Those ministers who
hover about the churches, who have not a clear cut message, which,
like a sharp, two-edged sword, cuts both ways, will do the churches
harm. They will not work for the salvation of souls that are in great
peril because they know not the truth, and they will die spiritually
themselves, and trouble and discourage those who try to help them.
Manuscript Releases 6:65
Soul winning ministers produce soul winning members—
When the church sees that the ministers are all aglow with the spirit
of the work, that they feel deeply the force of the truth, and are seek-
ing to bring others to the knowledge of it, it will put new life and
vigor into them. Their hearts will be stirred to do what they can to
aid in the work. There is not a class of people in the world who are
more willing to sacrifice of their means to advance the cause than are
Seventh-day Adventists. If the ministers do not utterly discourage
them by their indolence and inefficiency, and by their lack of spiritual-
ity, they will generally respond to any appeal that may be made that
commends itself to their judgment and consciences. But they want to
see fruit.—
Testimonies for the Church 3:49
Church Planning
Present your plans to the church in such a manner as to win
members’ interest and cooperation—There is need of Nehemiahs
in the church today, not men who can pray and preach only, but men
whose prayers and sermons are braced with firm and eager purpose.
The course pursued by this Hebrew patriot in the accomplishment of
his plans is one that should still be adopted by ministers and leading
men. When they have laid their plans, they should present them to
the church in such a manner as to win their interest and cooperation.
Let the people understand the plans and share in the work, and they
will have a personal interest in its prosperity.—
The S.D.A. Bible
Commentary 3:1137
Keep members in close touch with your plans—Why not put
them to work visiting the sick and assisting in other ways, and thus
keep the church in a workable condition? All would thus be kept in
close touch with the minister’s plans, so that he could call for their
assistance at any moment, and they would be able to labor intelligently